Monday, November 22, 2010

Fourth and Fifth Grade

Fourth and Fifth grade students created post cards that were mailed to schools in Sweden and Massachusetts as part of our ePals program. Students were excited to receive pictures and information from a school in Bengtsfors Sweden.  We are waiting for feedback from schools in Missouri and New Zealand.

ePals is the leading provider of safe collaborative technology for schools to connect and learn in a protected, project-based learning network. With classrooms in 200 countries and territories, ePals makes it easy to connect learners locally, nationally or internationally.

This is a fun and exciting way to connect to kids from around the world while building our technology skills. We plan to Skype to some of our new friends as the year progresses.

Third Grade

Students used data that they collected in class to create graphs in Microsoft Excel. Their graphs were enhanced with bold and exciting colors. They also created a reading identity flyer in Microsoft Word.

Second Grade

Students have learned to be creative using Microsoft Word. First they made bookmarks. They loved making something that they could actually use. Then they designed an “All About Me” flyer using WordArt, ClipArt, and inserting their picture.



Friday, November 5, 2010

What’s going on in the Computer Lab

Internet Safety Month
Internet Safety month was successful because our students embraced the lessons and were inspired to share their awareness with others. Fourth grade students created a video for Anti-bullying / Cyberbullying. Enjoy!

Keep checking our YouTube site for fifth grade’s Internet Safety video, which is dedicated to their kindergarten buddies and their siblings.

Also, I have been in contact with a school in Sweden through ePals (ePals is an organization that connects schools from around the world). Our fourth and fifth graders created some wonderful post cards which I will be mailing next week. Their teacher, Lars-Goran, and his students sent us pictures and information about themselves. Students have been very excited to read them.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Kindergarteners Enjoyed Watching Safety Tips from the NetSmartz Characters

Friday Final Article- Internet Safety

Technology is changing at a rapid pace. Just when we think we have it mastered it changes and we start all over again. Technology teachers; struggle to keep up, right? The only way to keep up is to stay focused on the technology issues that truly affect us; that’s why I pushed Internet Safety to the forefront of our technology curriculum, and declared October Internet Safety Month.

The Internet can be a valuable resource for students. They can research a multitude of encyclopedias, Skype friends or family members around the world, e-mail homework assignments to teachers to beat a deadline, and play games with people from across the seas. The possibilities are endless. Students who are old enough to punch in a few letters on the keyboard can access the world.

Having access to the world at any age can be exciting, but for a child it can be risky. For example, when I first started teaching one of my students wanted to use a picture of an M&M candy for a project, so she Googled candy. Because the keyword was so general, a variety of images appeared. This was an eye opening learning moment for both the student and me.

Internet Safety is a general term. There are several issues that hang under that term, such as: Cyberbullying, Privacy, and Netiquette. The last three weeks of October focuses on each aspect of these issues.

Cyberbullying – Cyberbullying, which is sometimes referred to electronic bullying, can involve the use of emails, instant messaging, text messaging, web pages, blogs, chat rooms, and social networking websites. Using these outlets, children and teens ca bully others by sending threatening messages or images, posting sensitive private information about another person, or pretending to be someone else in order to make that person look bad. Words hurt, if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything.

Privacy issues - No giving out personal information, no talking to strangers on-line, no sending pictures to strangers, no clicking on pop ups, no downloading without permission, no disclosure of passwords, getting permission before accessing new websites, and correct Netiquette. Netiquette is a term used for proper etiquette while on-line. Remembering manners on-line is just as important as having manners in everyday life.

It is important to be aware of what kids read, see, and hear on the Internet whether they are at school or at home. Keeping lines of communication open will ensure their safety. Talking openly about the Internet will build strong relationships that will continue through middle school, high school, college, and life.

This experience with teaching Internet Safety has been a very powerful and moving lesson for me. The kids and I have bonded over these issues. We’ve discussed the issues, shared our feelings, and opened our lines of communication. I was truly impressed with the responses, questions, and discussions from the children that came about as a result of my Internet Safety lessons.

The Internet is a tool that should be used to inspire, encourage, teach, and entertain. Here are some websites that are filled with Internet Safety information for young students, teens, and parents.

Resources for this article:

And article The New Face of Bullying by Paul J. Clear: Ph.D.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Internet Safety Tips for Kids including Netiquette tips

First thru fifth grade students viewed a Power Point for Interenet Safety Month. Students questioned, listened, and discussed on-line safety issues.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Internet Safety Month

The Shlenker School Declares
October Internet Safety Month!!

The Shlenker School wants our students to be safe and appropriate on-line. We encourage our students to be respectful and courteous while using the Internet at school or at home. We are pushing this issue to the forefront of our technology curriculum by declaring October Internet Safety Month for Shlenker students. Students will be engaging in classroom discussions, on-line activities, and given the opportunity to show their support by wearing our Internet Safety stickers for the last three weeks of October.

Students will watch some YouTube videos about Cyberbullying and Bullying. After each video we will discuss the meanings of the videos. The videos are meant to spark questions, share ideas, and encourage students to take a stand aganist bullying. Students will watch three videos. We encourage parents to read the artcle below and view the last video before viewing with students.

Don't Believe Everything You Hear!- Cyberbullying


Cyberbullying is bullying with a computer. It still hurts.


Bullying starts with a look, a word, and ends in pain. Bullying on the playground, outside of school, or in the neighborhoods usually turns into bullying on the Internet (Cyberbullying). We can stop bullying by taking a stand.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Internet Safety- Cyberbullying Article

The article is posted at

‘Cyberspace,’ the ‘Web,’ the ‘Net,’ the ‘Information Highway’” —

Whatever it’s called, the majority of people in developed nations are now going online to exchange electronic mail (E-mail) and instant messages; participate in chat groups; post and read messages in social networking sites and blogs, “surf” the world wide web; and many other online activities. Children are no exception in fact they are more likely to be online than adults.

Personal computers are no longer the only method used for accessing the Internet. Children can go online from personal computers at home, a friend’s house, in school, a library, club, or cafe. Many game consoles can be connected to the Internet and used for chatting and other online interaction. It is also possible to access the Internet on mobile devices such as cellular telephones and other handheld devices. In other words children don’t have to be in the company of responsible adults to use the Internet.

There are no censors on the Internet. Anyone in the world — companies, governments, organizations, and individuals — can publish material on the Internet. A service provider links you to these sites, but it can’t control what is on them. It’s up to individuals to make sure that they behave in a way that’s safe and appropriate.

Most people who go online have mainly positive experiences. But, like any endeavor — attending school, cooking, riding a bicycle, or traveling, — there are some risks and annoyances. The online world, like the rest of society, is made up of a wide array of people. Most are decent and respectful, but some may be rude, obnoxious, insulting, or even mean and exploitative. Children get a lot of benefit from being online, but they can also be targets of crime, exploitation, and harassment in this as in any other environment. Trusting, curious, and anxious to explore this new world and the relationships it brings, children need parental supervision and common-sense advice on how to be sure that their experiences in “cyberspace” are happy, healthy, and productive.
Many people, including children, have been confronted with material that is disturbing or inappropriate. There are steps parents can take to try to shield their children from such material, but it’s almost impossible to completely avoid all inappropriate material. Sadly there are some cases where children have been victimized by serious crime as a result of going online. Parents can greatly minimize the chances that their children will be victimized by teaching their children to follow some basic rules (read below). The fact that crimes are being committed online, however, is not a reason to avoid using the Internet. To tell children to stop using the Internet would be like telling them to forgo attending school because students are sometimes victimized or bullied there. A better strategy would be to instruct children about both the benefits and dangers of “cyberspace” and for them to learn how to be “street smart” in order to better safeguard themselves in any potentially dangerous situation.

Kids Rules for Online Safety (for pre-teens)
1. I will not give out personal information such as my address, telephone number, parents’ work address/telephone number, or the name and location of my school without my parents’ permission.

2. I will tell my parents right away if I come across any information that makes me feel uncomfortable.

3. I will never agree to get together with someone I “meet” online without first checking with my parents. If my parents agree to the meeting, I will be sure that it is in a public place and bring my mother or father along.

4. I will never send a person my picture or anything else without first checking with my parents.

5. I will not respond to any messages that are mean or in any way make me feel uncomfortable. It is not my fault if I get a message like that. If I do I will tell my parents right away so that they can contact the service provider.

6. I will talk with my parents so that we can set up rules for going online. We will decide upon the time of day that I can be online, the length of time I can be online and appropriate areas for me to visit. I will not access other areas or break these rules without their permission.

7. I will not give out my Internet password to anyone (even my best friends) other than my parents.

8. I will check with my parents before downloading or installing software or doing anything that could possibly hurt our computer or jeopardize my family’s privacy.

9. I will be a good online citizen and not do anything that hurts other people or is against the law.

10. I will help my parents understand how to have fun and learn things online and teach them things about the Internet, computers and other technology.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Safer Internet Day 2009

This video was not shown to students, but I feel it should be viewed by parents with their child and discussed. Children are precious and we as parents and as educators need to keep the lines of communication open and honest with our children to keep them safe.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Click the link below to view a video that highlights all the great activities our Specialist teachers accomplish with our students.

The Specialist:
Isabel Williams Technology
Linda Robins Science
Noelle Shawa Art
Cheryl Kinon Music
Sean Wade PE

Monday, May 24, 2010

Digital Photography and Measuring with First Grade

First graders embarked on a measuring adventure using digital cameras to record their findings. Students were grouped and given objects to measure with a nonstandard measuring item (such as blocks). Then, they were given rulers to measure and record each measurement. Students took pictures of each object and inserted the pictures in Microsoft Word. Each student created one page with their measured object and labeled it with fun WordArt.
This project integrates class curriculum with technology while being creative and having fun!

Monday, March 22, 2010

First Grade uses Digital Photography to create Symmetry!

First graders used digital cameras to create Symmetry projects. Students have been learning about symmetry in their classes. They took the cameras around the school in search of things that represented symmetry. Once they had their pictures, they navigated through our network to view them. They printed the best picture. Next, students cut the picture in half, pasted it to another piece of paper, and drew the missing piece which created symmetry. Students had fun using a multitude of skills to complete this project. They used their math skills, technology skills, and art skills to demonstrate what they have been learning. They did a great job!



Saturday, March 20, 2010

Third Grade Threads!

Ms. Levy's class completed their Voice Thread reflections.

Ms. Adam's class threads poetry.

Follow the links-turn up the volume-Enjoy!

Fifth Grade Glogs

Fifth grade read Locomotion with Ms. Levi and created Glogs in the Computer Lab. To view more glogs go to and search Shlenker. The fifth grade glogs are the most recent postings. Enjoy!

Western Day!